Meet Our Team
TONE Consultant
Degree in Computer Engineering - NTU
Masters in Entrepreneurship - University of Washington, Seattle
Human Nutrition - Republic Polytechnic
Anti-Aging & Sports Nutrition - Celebrity Sports Nutritionist in Bangkok
Professional Bridal Make up Artist
Her passion in helping others, she took on GXG’s mission of helping people live healthier
TONE Consultant
Bachelor in Marketing Management & Graduate Entrepreneurship Program - University of Wellington, NZ
Ministerial Secretary of Parliament, NZ
Human Nutrition - Republic Polytechnic
Her twin boys were born prematurely and both had to stay in pre-natal ICU. She studied nutrition to raise and care for her boys. Now, nutrition consultant with TONE health program for over 5 years.
TONE Consultant
Bachelor in Accountancy - University of Wellington, NZ
Professional Accountancy Post Graduate
Human Nutrition - Republic Polytechnic
Auditor with KPMG and Ernst & Young
Her busy work life took a toll on her health and skin. She became open about human health and nutrition. For the past 5 years she has been helping people live healthier as a nutrition consultant on TONE Health Program.
“Stop fearing what could go wrong, start feeling excited about what could go right.”