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Quality of Air, Quality of Life

The main sources of air pollution in Singapore are emissions from the industries and motor vehicles. From time to time, transboundary smoke haze from land and forest fires in the region also affect Singapore’s air quality, particularly during the Southwest monsoon period from August to October.


Long-term exposure to poor outdoor and indoor air quality can affect your general well being, and can have lasting effects on your health. In fact, poor indoor air quality can be equally or even more toxic than the air outside your home and office.


One of the prime culprits of poor-quality air is particulate matter. While air quality in Singapore is affected by uncontrollable factors such as haze caused by regional forest fires, other airborne contaminants may be produced by irritant chemicals, allergens (such as dust mites, mold and pet dandlers) and everyday activities carried out indoors. Inhaling these dangerous particles can lead to health problems as they get deeper into the lungs and the bloodstream. Some health problems include allergies, stroke, heart and lung disease, as well as effects on children’s growth and development.

Woman with Paper Mask


  • Carbon Monoxide

  • Lead

  • Nitrogen Oxides

  • Ozone

  • Particulate Matter (PM2.5)

  • Benzene

  • Fuel

  • Formaldehyde

  • Mould

  • Viruses and allergens (SARS, Covid19 etc)

  • Others

Can we change our air quality?

The good news is, YES WE CAN! With the right technology we can help to improve the air quality around us.

There are many solutions available in the market. You just need to know how to choose the right technology for you.


Here are our top 3 key features to look out for:

1. Filtration Technology

Apart from multi-stage filtration system, it is crucial to zoom into the HEPA Filter size.

HEPA Filter removes small particles such as allergens, bacteria, mould, viruses, fungi and asbestos, basically things that are invisible to us.

With the Covid19 it is essential to look for a filter that is able to filter that can trap the virus. We've done our market research and the smallest HEPA Filter size stands at 0.0024 Microns.


More in-depth into filtration technology, getting an air filter that generates Ozone is also a huge no-no.

Exposure to ozone can damage the lungs. Relatively low amounts can contribute to chest pain, shortness of breath, coughing and throat irritation. Ozone may also deteriorate ongoing respiratory sicknesses, such as asthma and compromise the ability of the body to fight those infections. One's susceptibility to ozone varies. Anyone can experience breathing problems when exposed to ozone. Health effects may become more damaging and recovery less certain at higher levels or from longer exposures (US EPA, 1996a, 1996b)..

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2. Contamination Removal List

Keep an eye out for any contaminant removal list. As a consumer it is very helpful to know what the filter can remove.

Here is an example.


3. Independent 3rd Party Certificate

Third party certification assures safer and more reliable products. We should not be fully trusting manufacturer's self declaration.


An objective review of product safety and performance is what we are looking for, free from both the economic demands of the marketplace. It also ensures that products meet the specified requirements (relating to safety, health and the environment) to which they are being evaluated. 


These are some third party certification for a good air filter


Is clean air beneficial to our health?


The health effects of air pollution are consequential. 33% of deaths comes from stroke, lung cancer and heart disease because of air pollution. We must be very wary of particles with a width of 10 microns or less, (≤ PM10). They can penetrate and be lodged deep inside our lungs.


What about PM2.5? Any particle less than PM2.5 are extremely detrimental to our health. They are so tiny that 60 or more of them make up the width of a human hair. Because they are so small, they can enter our blood stream and increase the risk of heart and respiratory diseases.



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